Join Our Volunteer Team - Make a Donation

Volunteer: A few hours of your time can be invaluable for preserving the beach. Potential volunteer activities are as diverse as your imagination allows. For instance, you might help conduct educational programs, assist in innovative fund-raising activities, participate during a beach clean-up day, or help out during concerts. If you would like to get involved as a volunteer, please email: Robert Tucker
Donate: Your donation supports our work, including membership engagement, summer concerts, clean-ups, flower plantings, and outreach into the community and the Lynn Public Schools marine programming.
You can become a member or make a donation here, with your credit card!
Yearly membership fees: Senior $15, Individual $25, Family $50.
First click on the donate button, select one of the membership fee amounts shown or choose "other" and designate a donation amount. You will receive a confirmation email receipt of your tax-deductible donation. Thank you so much for donating to the Friends of Lynn and Nahant Beach.
If you would prefer to pay by check, please make it payable to Friends of Lynn & Nahant Beach and mail it to P.O. Box 2264, Lynn, MA 01903